Isn't this how most cults start out? Tony Hsieh, who is best known as the zany CEO of online retailer Zappos, recently celebrated his 40th birthday party by convincing his inner circle of friends to all get the same tattoo in his honor:
On the afternoon before Hsieh's 40th birthday party, the group received small, circular tattoos on their fingers, feet, hips, elbows or lips. The marks represent pixels, the digital dots that form the resolution of a computer screen.

"What are we doing? Getting tattoos to go to a party," said Steve "Steve-O" Moroney, Hsieh's 40-something personal driver who has tattoos running up both arms. "How epic is that, right? What do you do? You get a tattoo."

A blonde woman got a black pixel tatted next to a black heart on her forearm: "I hope you have a very happy birthday, Tony, because we're doing this all for you," she told the camera.
We're not sure which is sadder, the fact that a 40-year-old decided to get inked for his birthday or that he seems oblivious that he's surrounded by 'Yes-Men'.