Not everyone can keep their new year's resolutions, and not everyone makes new year resolutions. The most important thing about your resolutions is to be realistic about yourself. But here are some simple new year's resolutions that could have a positive impact on your life.

1. Take a tech-free walk at lunch.
Stop staring at a screen! Take a short walk after lunch to recharge - enjoy the outdoors and the fresh air, and clear your mind to give you that final push for the rest of the day.

2. It's okay to be a little insecure.
You need not pretend to be strong or confident when you know your limitations. People with a sense of realistic self-doubt have a motivating force to improve, and they're more open to feedback, thus making wiser decisions.

3. Train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock.
You don't have to rely on your alarm clock to wake up. It's a lot easier than you think. Your body naturally wants to wake up in the morning, but you need to harness the power of your natural circadian rhythm. You just need to adopt some consistency and trust.

4. Embrace procrastination, it might make you more productive.

Procrastinating is horrible, but according to Buffer's Belle Beth Cooper, procrastination, when accepted as a critical part of our productivity process, can be helpful, and it can make you more productive.

5. Spring clean your email.
It's time to get rid of all the junk from the last year.

6. Wake up earlier.
The earlier you rise, the more you can get done so your day is maximized.

7. Plan your weekends.
A good weekend sometimes needs a plan. You don't want to waste the weekend away when you could be doing all the things to either have fun, relax, and revitalize.

8. Embrace social media.
Stop trying to fight the wave. Social media isn't going anywhere at the moment. You don't need to create a bundle of accounts and use it all day long, but it helps to learn some basic concepts about how social media networks work, and how they can make sense in the business world.

9. You don't need to be happy and positive all the time.
People will tell you to keep a positive mindset, but it might be beneficial for you to feel your emotions, whatever they are, and focus on behavior instead of internal states. Acknowledge your feelings, but do not dwell in them for too long.