The latest study by the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles states that people there are now having less sex than they used to, and that it might be linked to our gadget habits.

After polling 15,000 Brits between the ages of 16 and 44, they found that the average person has sex less than five times a month, down from over six times a month from the previous surveys in 1990-1 and 1999-2001.

The researchers theorize that pressures of modern life and bringing gadgets into the bedroom could biggest offenders on why everyone's sex life seems to be suffering:
"People are worried about their jobs, worried about money," said Dr. Cath Mercer of University College London. "They are not in the mood for sex. But we also think modern technologies are behind the trend too. People have tablets and smartphones and they are taking them into the bedroom, using Twitter and Facebook, answering emails."
The research also suggested that some couples within the 16-to-44 age range are substituting porn in the bedroom for sex. And that's just sad.