Is it just us, or is Justin Bieber's recent antics around the world is steadily sealing his reputation as the "Joffrey of Pop".

But don't fret Beliebers, as not all hope is lost for the troubled teen idol just yet. According to Bieber's manager Scooter Braun, the pop star is currently being mentored by none other than Will Smith.

Here's more from The Hollywood Reporter:   
But the most present mentor is Will Smith. Braun tells of a particularly tough time for Bieber around the time he returned from his world tour in May that prompted the movie star to drive to Bieber’s house and pull him out of bed for a three-hour talk. Bieber’s reaction, according to Braun: “He said, ‘Man, that makes me feel so loved. I woke up, and there’s Will Smith, one of, if not the, biggest movie stars on the planet. He took time out of his day for me.’ ”

Now, Bieber and Smith have a weekly call to go over any potential issues, emotional or otherwise. (Scientology has never been discussed.) At the same time, Braun adds of Smith, “He’s telling me: ‘Justin’s got to go through it. You can’t stop him from going through it. That’s youth in itself. He’s a young man who’s growing up, and that’s what makes him interesting and relatable. Otherwise, he’d be some kind of weird robot.”
For more about the pop star's career and his famous, influential friends, read the full article here.