Remember back in April when Jessica Alba claimed she lost all that baby weight after two pregnancies by squeezing herself into a corset? Here's what Alba said about it:
"I wore a double corset day and night for three months," she says. "It was sweaty, but worth it."
Since then, a lot more women are reportedly attempting the same thing by turning to Glamour Boutique, a company that sells steel-bone corsets designed for weight-loss.

Customers begin with a steel-bone corset that's 4 to 5 inches smaller than your actual waist measurement before wearing the corset for three to six hours a day. This is to "train the waist" so you get used to the garment so that you can wear it for longer periods. They also add that maintaining a healthy diet and exercising makes a bigger difference.

Not surprisingly, medical experts are more than a little skeptical about the new trend. Keri Peterson, M.D., a physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and a medical advisor for Women's Health explains:
Corsets can only make you appear slightly thinner while you're wearing one–they can't physically change your size. And if anyone wearing a corset loses weight, it's not actually because of the corset—it's more likely because the contraption makes it so uncomfortable to eat that you automatically consume fewer calories, says Peterson.

And sweating while wearing it—which Alba suggested helped her lose weight—only affects your water weight, which won't help you drop pounds long-term. What's more, wearing a corset could actually cause you harm in a few ways. They could potentially cause acid reflux (because of the pressure they put on your stomach) and trouble breathing deeply (because of the pressure they put on your diaphragm and lungs).
So there you have it ladies. If you're seriously considering binding yourself up just to shed some weight, then you might want to rethink your priorities.

Good Morning America , Women's Health