When you were a kid, you probably dreamed of becoming a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or even an actor. But ambition can change over time as we grow up to realize the existence of so many other jobs. Photographer Nancy Rica Schiff looked into the lives of people working some of the strangest jobs - some you probably never heard of! For example, someone actually gets paid to smell other people's armpits!

1. Dog Food Taster

2. Potato Chip Inspector

3. Page Turner

4. Odor Judge

5. Bull Semen Collector

6. Rubber Chicken Maker

7. Knife Thrower’s Assistant

8. Horse Dentist

9. Horse Chiropractor

10. Golf Ball Diver

11. Fish Counter

12. Dinosaur Duster

13. Coin Polisher

14. Artificial Inseminator

15. Mt. Rushmore Crack Filler

16. Condom Tester

17. Pollen Collector

18. Turtle Rescuer

19. Breath Odor Evaluator

20. Men’s Underwear Designer

21. Wig Maker

22. Coffin Builder

23. Bingo Caller

24. Wax Figure Maker

25. Crime Scene Photographer

You can see more strange jobs in Nancy's two books on the subject that include more of her photography: Odd Jobs and Odder Jobs.