Unsurprisingly, last weekend's Saturday Night Live took a jibe at Justin Bieber's recent arrest in Miami.

In a hilarious "Weekend Update" segment, Bieber's arresting officer Frank Medina, played by Kenan Thompson, comes on the show to talk about the arrest.

"It's always tense when you pull over a yellow Lamborghini because it's either a millionaire in charge of a ponzi scheme or a guy who sells exotic animals to drug  dealers," explained the officer. "But I'll be damned if it wasn't Justin Bieber!"

The officer also shares that during the arrest, Bieber "was so mad he must have said the F-word at least ten times, it was like being barked at by a puppy who smells like Smirnoff Ice.”

Watch the segment in the video below:

Weekend Update - Justin Bieber's Arresting... by IdolxMuzic