An on-the-job training program teaches new employees at their workplace how to become proficient through the implementation of knowledge and skills. They will eventually have to perform their duties in the course of their learning process. That results in more comfort and better performance from the employees.

Outside of the actual workplace, off-the-job training is usually conducted. As a result, it takes more time and adopts a more theoretical approach. An outsourced trainer usually conducts on-the-job training through simulations and tests rather than interacting with real employees. Training outside the organization is generally more expensive for this reason. By contrast, employees cannot learn by doing but must rely on collecting information.

Many developed countries have become more open to on-the-job training. That makes it a useful addition to onboarding since it is both practical and inexpensive. Companies that invest in employee training gain an additional 21% in profits, according to Gallup.

On-the-job training benefits

Looking at on-the-job training definition: On-the-job training offers advantages. Before deciding whether to pursue it, it is imperative to understand it.
  1. As part of the production process, employees can gain on-the-job training. As opposed to simulated learning, they can learn through observation.
  2. In addition to enhancing the onboarding process, on-the-job training allows the new hires to get a feel for the company while learning their role and responsibilities in a structured manner.
  3. Because workers already know their way around their workplace, employees who train there are more prepared and efficient. Nothing is a surprise.
  4. Due to the lack of external trainers or reserving other locations, this is a cost-effective training solution.
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