Casey Jenkins is a "craftivist", a term she defines as "using traditional craft techniques for a political or social activism purpose."

Her latest work of performance art is titled "Casting Off My Womb", and involves "spending 28 days knitting from wool that I've inserted in my vagina," Jenkins says.  As you can probably imagine, this attempt comes with its own set of challenges:
"It's confining, because I'm attached to this knitting."

"It's sort of slightly uncomfortable sometimes, arousing sometimes"

"The performance wouldn't be a performance if I were going to cut out my menstrual cycle from it."

"I hope that people question the fears and the negative associations they have with the vulva,"
We have so many questions, but mostly to do with the fact that yarn can be seriously itchy. You can watch the video here, but be warned as it does contain shots of lady pubes (what else would you expect?)
