Here's something to think about when you complain about why women take so long to get ready before going out.  According to one recent survey, the average woman spends at least TWO WEEKS per year looking at themselves in front of a mirror. And this all apparently has to do with the anxiety that most women feel about their appearance's needing to be improved somehow.

The findings revealed that women worry about their looks more than money, health, relationships, and their professional success. Mothers (73%) were found to be more likely than non-mothers (65%) to feel anxious about the way they look; and younger millennial women were much more likely than their older, less social media-savvy counterparts to feel crappy about their appearance,

When the women weren't fretting over their faces, their bodies became a target of scrutiny. Eight in ten women reported that they'd complained to someone about being fat in the last month; 77% say they worried aloud about being old.

Many of the survey respondents blamed it on airbrushing, as it presented a misleading, unobtainable ideal that made them feel worse about how they looked. If there's anything we learn from all this is that women spend way too much time trying to meet standards they had nothing to do with setting and feeling bad when they can't reach them.