The 2014 Academy Awards were indeed exciting. Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win an Oscar, Jennifer Lawrence fell again, but this time before the awards show started, Ellen DeGeneres gave out pizzas, and Pharrell got Lupita Nyong'o, Meryl Streep, and Amy Adams to dance with him when he performed 'Happy'.

Still, nothing can beat John Travolta's major slip: he royally screws up Idina Menzel's name to the point where it didn't sound anything like her name.

Travolta took the stage to introduce Menzel for her performance "Let It Go", but instead introduced "the wickedly talented, one and only, Adele Dazim."


Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet explained it all in this Vine:

Was Travolta way too excited about his "Wicked" pun that he forgot her name? Whatever the reason, the internet has quickly come up with a "The Adele Dazeem Name Generator" so you can Travolitify your name.

Watch Travolta's full Adele Dazim introduction below: