There are several companies that are manufacturing wooden watches. The count is in thousands. This is not something surprising because wooden watches are popular. Before the inception of this trend, there were only a few options available in the market such as leather, metal and some form of rubber. Wooden watches are the new addition in the fashion world.

But how do we select one? You can purchase it from platforms like to get a detailed idea. Nevertheless, here are some of the tips in order to purchase the right wooden watch:

1. Preferences

Each customer will have a different preference. Some may want something while the other may have a different taste in watches. It is imperative to settle down on the type of watch you want. Wooden watch comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. Select something that is consistent with your preference. Try on different types of watches and see whether it suits on your wrist. 

2. Reputation of manufacturer

There are hundreds of manufacturers out there that are producing wooden watches in different designs and models. Choose something suits you the most. However, it is imperative to consider the reputation of the company being selected. Generally, a company that has more designs and shapes to offer are better in terms of quality. Better the quality, higher the chances of a good reputation. Nevertheless, go through different manufacturers and see which one has the best watch to offer. 

3. Wood

Wooden watches are, obviously, made of wood. However, there are thousands of kinds of wood that nature has to offer us. This where the type of wood comes into play. Choose a wood that suits you. Some may like sandalwood while other would prefer bland maple. There are numerous choices available such as Rosewood and Koa. There are different textures also available in the same category. Choose one that offers a durable quality and something appears to be admirable. An attractive wooden watch is perhaps the best of all. 

4. Warranty

Every watch has a warranty attached to it and if this is not the case, then it is time to consider a different option. It is imperative to ensure that retailer selling the watch must be sure about the product. This is how one can ensure its quality. There are many retailers who may be selling second-hand products which is not recommendable for purchase since they might need further repairs. Purchase a watch from a company that offers warranties on the products. 

5. Customer reviews

Nothing can be purchased without reading customer reviews about it. It is highly recommendable to go through the customer reviews of watches you are going to purchase. This will provide you with actual insights into the customer experience. Getting to know the pros and cons of different watches will help making the right decision. 

Given that there are thousands of options to select from it has become difficult to choose the right one. Here are some of the important factors that must be taken into account.