It turns out there's a newly discovered asteroid that might hit Earth sooner than expected. Named the 2013 TV135, it was discovered by a team of Ukranian astronomers. The massive asteroid is said to have a real chance of hitting Earth in 2032 with Apocalyptical consequences. This is the second time in history that an asteroid makes it to the top of NASA's space danger list as a potential danger.

This giant 1,350-foot wide mass will reach earth on August 26, 2032, and it has a Torino Scale rating of 1, which means that it "merits careful monitoring."

Scientists aren't sure if this asteroid will hit our planet yet. It most probably won't, but they will have to keep monitoring it until they have a more precise calculation of its trajectory.

If it hits Earth, it would unleash an energy of 2,500 megatons of TNT, "50 times greater than the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated."

There's only another much-smaller asteroid, the 2007 VK184, that has the same Torino scale rating. And this doesn't mean there aren't others. Even if none of these two asteroids hit Earth, there could be many more lurking out there undetected, because governments are not putting enough resources in early alert systems.