New York designer Joey Cofone is proposing an idea to curb texting while driving with an iOS "Car Mode" which works like airplane mode to prevent you from texting while your car is in motion.

When you're driving, Car Mode would simplify the iOS user interface, getting rid of notifications, clocks, texts, and any noises (but navigation and hands-free calling would still work). If you get a text, Car Mode would automatically reply the sender, alerting them that you're en route somewhere. When you arrive at your destination, the command center would supply a full report on what you missed on your phone.

It's like the simplified UI Android users can activate while driving, except that it doesn't actually promote using your phone at all. “My Car Mode approach is the opposite,” Cofone explained. “When CM is activated the screen is completely static until you exit, upon which it shows a review of the messages you've missed.”

There is however, one big UX dillema: Will anyone use it if they aren't forced to? Cofone imagines that Bluetooth-enabled cars would link up Car Mode automatically. “Apple, in theory, can partner with car insurance companies (much like they partner with all sorts of other services),” he adds. For example, logging enough Car Mode hours could help lower your car insurance rates—a bit like Nest’s deal with energy companies.

Cofone's concept won first prize at a live design charrette at the AIGA annual conference earlier this month. But for now it's just a concept.