Android Police reviewed the latest firmware update and discovered a list of potential new features, including voice commands like "call me a car," "translate this," and "tune an instrument."

They explain that certain commands may work with specific applications, like how Glass' current "take a note" command allows its wearer to virtually jot down thoughts within Evernote. Or how the newly discovered "find a recipe" command could be used with "KitchMe, an app that currently allows Explorers to send recipes to Glass," Android Police writes.

Android Police found 19 new voice commands in total: add a calendar event, call me a car, capture a panorama, check me in, created a 3D model, find a recipe, learn a song, play a game, play music, record a recipe, remind me to, show a compass, start a bike ride, start a round of golf, start a run, start a stop watch, start a timer, translate this and tune an instrument.

The firmware also features new eye commands too. "They've added a 'double blink' detector, potentially for control by blinking twice in rapid succession," Android Police reports.

The review also shows an extended emphasis on music. A layout for album art, album names, track names and artists' names now exists, which pairs nicely with the new "play music" voice command in the updated Glass firmware.