It looks like the U.S. Army is serious in developing an Iron Man like suit. It's called the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS). The armor is strong to withstand a barrage of bullets.

The U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) challenged its researchers to develop a suit that would provide enhanced mobility, protection and surveillance abilities. They did that by combining nanotechnology with the endurance of Kevlar for an ultimate body armor.

The idea for it was first inspired by MIT professor Gareth McKinley, who has been working on the development of liquid armor since 2002.

The armor would theoretically be able to transform from liquid to solid in milliseconds when an electric current or magnetic field is applied. It would be receptive to skin contact and will respond and detect the body's core temperature, heart rate and level of hydration. The TALOS may use McKinley's liquid armor to provide ballistic full body protection.

Check out a preview of it below. We won't have any Tony Starks just yet, but man you definitely won't want to mess with a soldier in this suit.

Via NPR and MIT