A new collaboration between GE and Caterham aims to squeeze every last bit of speed out of an F1 racecar by leveraging the power of big data and materials science.

F1 cars are designed for quick accelerations and tight turns. They are also very difficult to operate. Caterham is focusing on four areas to improve its racing fleet by using data analytics, fiber-optics, composites and heat management.

The Caterham CT03 gets more than 500 sensors throughout its power plant, drive train, and suspension. The sensors generate nearly 1,000 data points of data per second, which amounts to a whole gigabyte for every lap. After collecting the data, it is sent to Caterham HQ where it is analyzed and used to improve the body and chassis designs.

GE is working together with Caterham to make the car bodies lighter and more efficient.

So far their collaboration has resulted in the same amount of power using a third less fuel. Can big data help Caterham win a spot in the constructor's title? [Caterham via GE Reports - Image: Caterham]