Meeting a client’s needs requires your entire team to be on the same page, working cohesively toward a singular goal every step of the way. Keeping track of your projects and tasks is much easier with the use of software, but it’s not just about project management. 

Here’s a list of several digital marketing tools that will help you level up your ability to complete projects on time and produce happy clients.
1. The mobile version of your favorite apps
First and foremost, get the mobile version of whatever software you currently use to manage your projects, clients, and team. If you already have this, you’re ahead of the game. If not, visit the developer’s website and see if there’s an official app available. Most developers provide a link that will take you directly to the app store connected to your device. If you search for apps directly, make sure you only download official products.
If you don’t currently use your mobile device for work, consider the possibility for the future. For example, you might want to travel a bit or work while you’re visiting family without lugging around your laptop. In this case, an iPhone is an excellent tool for working remotely, provided you keep it protected with a rugged case and have a good insurance policy just in case.
2. Social media marketing software
When you have a strong social media presence, you’ll have a better chance at creating satisfied customers and generating a positive reputation. Social media marketing can also serve as a platform for lead generation, but it’s mainly going to help you with brand building and recognition.
To maintain a presence on social media without having to log into each account every day, you can use software to schedule your posts, track views and clicks, and run reports to optimize the content you distribute.
3. SEO tools
If you have the budget to outsource all of your search engine optimization (SEO) needs to a marketing company, you probably don’t need to track your own data. However, if you’re in charge of SEO, it’s crucial to see how you’re ranking and what your competitors are doing.  
SEO tools vary, but at a basic level, you’ll want tools for researching keywords, tracking your rankings for certain keywords and phrases, and performing competitor analysis.
4. Conversion optimization tools
Conversion optimization tools take the guesswork out of your split-testing campaigns. You’ll see which variant is performing better in terms of time spent on the page, clicks, video plays, and sales. Some applications come with built-in landing page templates, so you don’t have to do all the hard work.
The best conversion optimization tools provide heat maps so you can see where people are hovering their mouse and clicking most, and if you pay a little extra, you can get a screen recording of actual visitor interactions with your web pages.
5. Professional email marketing software
Every team needs a good email marketing application, but not all are created equal. In this space, you can expect to pay a base monthly fee that covers you up to a certain number of subscribers, plus an additional amount when you get more subscribers.
There’s no denying that the best email marketing tools require a significant budget, but that’s part of running a successful business. You can only get away with using free and cheap software for a little while. Once you start to see significant growth, your needs will expand and that’s when you’ll require a more professional solution.
Some businesses prefer to use a CRM that wraps everything into one application. At the very least, make sure you can segment your leads, create custom sequences, and program your leads to move between sequences automatically.
6. Graphic design software
More often than not, you’ll need some graphics to go with your digital content, whether it’s a social media post or a blog article posted to your website. It’s great to have a professional designer make all your content, but when you don’t have time for that, having a graphics program like Gimp, Photoshop, or Canva will help. All you need are basic design skills to prepare simple images for your digital content.
The right digital marketing tools will help you successful
Today’s digital marketing tools offer a vast array of benefits to your business. From streamlining your workflow to managing big data, the right tools will make you more productive and help you meet project goals faster and more efficiently. Staying on top of the latest digital marketing tools is critical for maintaining your competitive edge in your industry.