There is no doubt that the years that someone attends university have the potential to be the best of their life. After all, for a lot of people, this is their first taste of real freedom. They now get the chance to be independent adults and move out of their parent's home. As well as this, they will also get the chance to meet lots of new people and really discover themselves. 

However, university isn't always a walk in the park. There is a lot of hard work necessary in order to get your qualifications. This can then lead to a lot of stress. However, if you are able to take good, beneficial breaks, then this won't be as much as an issue. If you are unsure how you could take a break, here are some suggestions. 

Trip Away With College Friends 
The people who you meet in college have potential to be your friends for life. However, this is only going to occur if you spend a lot of fun time together. There are perhaps fewer ways to do this than to take a trip abroad together. This isn't only going to just help you and your new friends bond but is also going to allow you to get that much-needed break. Once you are focused on having the time of your life in an exciting country, you won't be worrying about studying and exams. Not to mention that there are plenty of cheap holiday options that are available to students

Relaxing at Home 
Sometimes you truly just want to take it easy when you are looking for a break. For some people, this is going to be the most beneficial thing for them. Not to mention you don't even have to leave your home for this. It can be as simple as just spending the day doing nothing. Or, if you don't want to deal with boredom, occupy yourself with some engaging but relaxing activities. For example, this could be the like of bingeing your favorite Netflix show. Alternatively, you could look towards gaming on sites such as These are great ways to both have fun and take a well-deserved break. 

Playing Sports/ Enjoying Fitness 
If you like to release stress through something a little more active, then that should be your go-to option. Playing sports or focusing on your fitness can really help to blow off a lot of steam. It allows you to focus on something positive and enjoyable, releases endorphins, and can even be a beneficial social aspect. Whatever form of fitness or sport you involve yourself in is up to you, and it should be something you truly enjoy. You could even consider trying multiple different sports and workouts while you are on your break. Getting a small taste of a variety could help find what suits you best. This is then also something you could carry through the rest of your academic year.