Are you thinking of changing your job? If you work in the finance industry you’ll know there are a lot of different finance-oriented careers. The world of finance is such that you can switch between careers relatively easily and still enjoy all that it has to offer. 

You don’t have to spend the next 20+ years sitting in the same office. You can switch your career up and delve even further into this exciting and dynamic industry. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some ideal careers for people in the finance industry.

Accountants examine, interpret, organize, and analyze financial records. In addition to this, they maintain financial records, so that they can prepare tax or financial statements. Accountants also work to increase profits, reduce costs, and advise people on specific business decisions. They also work with companies as well as individuals to ensure they are complying with financial regulations such as tax codes. 

Every single industry needs accountants. People can work with universities, governments, and financial organizations. If this is something that appeals to you, it’s worth your while looking into this industry. 

Financial Advisor 
Financial advisors help individuals to set up and reach their financial goals. In addition to this, they can work with a bank’s branch manager to encourage customers to take out loans. 

Whether you choose to work for a bank, investment firm, or funds, you could also be self-employed. Financial advisors are needed everywhere. They provide vital information to companies and people who need guidance. If you would like to help people make the right financial decisions, this could be the job for you. 

Financial Examiner 
It is the job of a financial examiner to ensure that financial regulations and laws are complied with. They review financial records, loan documents, and balance sheets. Working primarily for insurance companies and financial institutions, financial examiners can also work for the government. 

If you wish to investigate fraud or money laundering, this could be the career for you. You could work for private companies or even for yourself. You’ll just need a thorough understanding of compliance and finance laws along with a degree. 

Actuaries work to evaluate the likelihood or probability of specific events occurring. For example, an actuary may evaluate how likely it is that a car accident may occur. The work that an actuary does is crucial as it can help insurance companies to design policies along with other models. While many actuaries work for insurance companies, they can also work for governments, banks, or investment firms. 

You will need to have a good understanding of math and reasoning skills. However, this is a position that is often exciting. 

As you can see, there are quite a few ideal careers in the finance industry. You will need to make sure you have the right qualifications and skills before you can apply for these positions. However, once you have them, you could have a job for life.