Scrum is an agile software development methodology based on interactive and incremental processes. This project development process is designed to deliver value to the customer throughout the different project phases right from the initiation to closing.  

The main objective of this method is to ensure the customer is always satisfied by creating an environment of transparency, collective responsibility, communication, and progress. 

The project development idea starts from what needs to be built first and outlines the product backlog that the product owner wants to obtain. 

There is more you can learn about this product development method from Scrum master Jeff Sutherland. This article expounds a little about this method to keep you on the right page.

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The Scrum Framework 
People will often think that Scrum and Agile mean the same thing in most cases. This is because Scrum is centered on the continuous improvement of the project, which is usually the main principle of agile methodology.

In simple terms, Scrum is a simple framework for getting all the work in your project done using the agile concept. It is not easy to go from agile to another method because it takes the whole mindset of your team and their dedication to start thinking of delivering value to the customer.  

However, you can start using Scrum methodology to help your team think and build agile principles into everyday work and communication.

Scrum framework is based on an adjustment to the dynamic factors and continuous learning - the framework is futuristic. This method acknowledges that your team does not understand or know much about the project on kickoff but will evolve and learn more in the execution process.  

This method has been designed to help a team adapt easily to the ever-changing user requirements of a project to learn how to improve. 

Scrum may sound a bit structured but more flexible. Many theories have been put forward that attempt to explain how Scrum is structured to operate and succeed. However, it remains logical that with clear communication, transparency, and dedication to meeting set goals, whichever project method you choose, you are more likely to succeed.  

Source: Pexels 
What are the main Scrum artifacts?
When you choose Scrum as your software development method, you should beware of the Agile Scrum team composition and other artifacts that make it complete. Artifacts are the things you make to find solutions to problems. 

In the Scrum methodology, the main artifacts are product backlog, sprint backlog, and increment. These are the three major constraints that a scrum team will keep investing it’s time to work on.

Product backlog
 A product backlog is just a list of work that needs to be done and maintained by the product manager or the product owner. It is a list of items, features, enhancements, requirements, and fixes that will normally input the sprint backlog. 

Since we learn more along the project timeline, the product owner is responsible for revisiting and re-prioritizing the product backlog.

Sprint backlog 
A sprint is a time it takes a scrum team to work and finish an increment. A sprint backlog is a list of user stories, bug fixes, and other items that the development team selects for implementation along the existing sprint cycle. The project team will choose which items on the sprint backlog they will work with during the sprint planning meeting. In most cases, a sprint backlog is usually flexible and can evolve along the project timeline. 

Increment / Sprint Goal 
A sprint goal is a usable end-product of a sprint. The increment is usually demonstrated at the end of the sprint demo. This is where the team outlines what was completed successfully in the sprint. The definition of ‘increment’ will vary from project to project. It all depends on how your team defines their goals and ‘done.’ 

Some teams choose to release section of the project to their customers at the end of every stage. It means their definition of done will be ‘shipped.’ That is when the end customer gets the product delivered to them.

Final Thoughts 
Scrum is one of the most popular frameworks that private individuals, large organizations, and teams can use to address complex adaptive processes while delivering the highest value products. This framework is simple and lightweight. It has helped teams generate value through an adaptive solution. 

There are hundreds of Scrum guides you can read online to lengthen your knowledge of the methodology. The Scrum community has over 500,000 members. You can ask questions if you want to learn more about the software development method. 

In this brief guide, we have highlighted some of the key features of Scrum methodology – the basic things you should know before making that choice of a method to plan and execute your project.