There are six weeks left until the New Year. It's time to think about gifts, a festive menu, and an outfit for New Year's Eve. Are you ready for 2021 in all its glory? If you feel that the dress is too narrow or the jeans will not fit you, do not panic. We have some tips to help you get in shape. 

Tips To Get In Shape In 6 Weeks
So, we have six weeks to get the body back in shape. In quarantine, many of us gained weight but relax; you still have a chance to make your New Year’s Eve amazing. Just start working from today:

1- Monitor Nutrition
You don't have to go on a strict diet. Observe at least the basic rules:

Moe fruits, vegetables, protein, and fiber. Fewer fats, salt, sugar, and carbohydrates. But without fanaticism!
Start your meal with a hefty portion of lettuce and water - low in calories and high in volume. And only after 10-15 minutes start the main meal.
Do not go to the supermarket or market on an empty stomach.
Don't order takeaway.
Try using small plates to avoid overeating.
Don't buy junk food at home to avoid the temptation.
The first meal should be at least an hour after waking up, and the last meal is at least one and a half to two hours before bedtime.
Meals should be fractional - four to five times a day.
Meals should be regular - meals at about the same time every day.
Light and regular snacks put less stress on the digestive system (fewer insulin jumps).

2- Give Up Drinking 
Set your goal not to touch alcohol for the next six weeks. Drinking alcohol leads to more food craving, due to which many people do over-eating. However, to get the body ready for the New Year, quit drinking. 

It would be best if you make quit drinking your New Year’s Resolution. For spending a healthy life, you need to get rid of bad habits. For this, you can either contact orange county rehab yourself or ask a friend to do it for you. They provide the best detox services that can help you recover soon and get rid of alcohol addiction. What else would be a better way to start the New Year?

3- Drink Water 
On days when you do not exercise, you can drink water. Focus on the feeling of thirst, drink 30-35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. At the same time, milk, freshly squeezed juices, and soups also satisfy the body's need for fluid.

4- Monitor Your Calorie Balance
Alas, there are no silver bullets, magic drugs, and super diets. A major factor in weight loss is a negative calorie balance. That is, you need to consume less than you spend. Do not reduce by more than 200-300 kilocalorie (kcal) per day (that is, if you are used to consuming 2600 kcal, you do not need to immediately reduce the calorie content to 2200).

5- Get Enough Sleep
According to the reputable Mayo Clinic and other sources, lack of sleep leads to overeating - up to 500 extra calories due to a lack of one hour of sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, we feel less cheerful and fresh, which leads to the abuse of stimulants in the form of sweets, coffee, energy drinks, and the like. Besides, when we sleep, we are not eating, and calories are expended.

6- Workout
Choose the kind of sport that you have a soul for. If you haven't decided yet, experiment, and feel free to throw whatever you don't like. Try cycling, swimming in the pool, playing tennis, or jumping on a trampoline - whatever gets you excited.

Track Your Heart Rate
The heart rate during physical activity is calculated based on the weight and age of the person. You can find an online calculator, ask a coach, or doctor for help with the calculations.

Low-intensity activities should be between 55% and 65% of your maximum heart rate. Medium intensity is 65–75%, and high intensity is 75–90%.

Heart rate monitors are generally inexpensive, simple, and essential for those seriously interested in getting the most out of physical activity. 

Start By Walking
The most convincing studies show that walking remains the main method of physical activity. If you've never been active, it's best to start with it. Use stairs instead of lifts, park your car in the farthest corner of the parking lot, and take a walk outside at lunchtime.

You will begin to burn fat stored in the body as energy fuel, and this, in turn, will activate your metabolism.

Try jogging
Your speed should be within 7 - 9 kilometers per hour. Classes should be held at 65-75% of the maximum heart rate. Thanks to this workout, you not only activate your metabolism but your immune system becomes stronger and more ready to ward off real attacks on the body.

Do Running
You need to run at 75-90% of your maximum heart rate. High-intensity exercise strengthens us both physiologically and psychologically. After jogging, a feeling of euphoria arises, the brain works better, and the mood rises. 

It is advisable to do at least six months of aerobic exercise 6 times a week, but if your doctor does not mind, run.

Fitness at home
Morning gymnastics is a simple practice that can become the beginning of a long journey in physical education and sports, significantly improve overall well-being, and is available to absolutely everyone. The task of morning exercises is to wake up, start metabolic processes in the body, gently prepare the heart, blood vessels, and muscles for the coming day. Get an emotional charge.

Let it last no more than 15-20 minutes. There is no need to kill yourself - do exercises with low intensity. Do morning exercises five to six times a week. It is very disciplining and can be the starting point for more serious sports.

Final Thoughts
Figuring out how to get fit in just six weeks sounds overwhelming, however, if you are motivated enough everything is achievable. Look for an activity schedule that works for you, eat healthily, avoid drinking alcohol, and watch as the change starts.