Playing tennis in the spring is a lot of fun, especially if it’s something new you’re trying out! If you’re a true blue fan, you’ve probably seen all the tennis movies, have a permanent tab opened to see WTA tennis scores, and you flex your tennis grips like nobody’s business. However, if you’ve never played tennis, spring is a good time to try out the sport and in this article, we will tell you how to truly get into it!

You need to really want to do something to do it. Maybe you were trying to learn tennis for quite a while now, but you've had your job, family life, social life or something else in the way. This isn't going to be an issue anymore. You're going to make a cognitive move to put most of that aside and sculpt some time for you!

Ask a friend to play

Finding a friend to begin to play tennis with you will make it a lot more pleasant and manageable. Sharing your development and motivating each other can help you climb the ladder that much faster. Plus, if you wish to take tennis lessons, it'll be a bit more affordable to split between two people. After all, you need another person at the other end of the net to play tennis. Through choosing someone to start with, you will immediately have a targeting partner on around the same tier to train with!

Get the equipment

If you're passionate about tennis, you need to invest in a good racket and good tennis shoes.  Since tennis involves a lot of fast moves and impact which can result in strains and sprains, it's also a good idea to use a knee compression support sleeve, to stabilize your knee.  Racket technology has advanced so far over the last few decades. To an inexperienced tennis player, it may seem like all the rackets are just the same, but for an accomplished player, they're all quite different. Tennis rackets are specially built for various types of players and styles of play. So keep your head down and try most of the rackets you find. Do some research and decide to ask a tennis expert or someone knowledgeable in rackets to help you find the racket that best fits you and your game.

One feature of “equipment” that many athletes often fail to consider is the importance of a skilled and reasonable sports medicine doctor. Such practitioners do more than simply help athletes heal after an injury. Additionally, they provide advice pertaining to the best training techniques, how to avoid injuries, and exercises or supplement regimens that help you maximize your game.  

Get a personal coach

Your choices can vary depending on where you stay. One thing to keep in mind is that you don't need to find a sports club to get tennis lessons! Why would you pay outrageous membership fees or large non-member rates and waste time commuting to the nearest club?

Research and learn the rules

This is not something you have to do immediately, but knowing the rules will make it a lot more fun when you start playing a few points and compete. The easiest way to know the rules is to watch pro tournaments. Not only are you going to know the rules, but you'll also see what your shots are meant to look like.

Practice, practice and practice

You've got to learn, repeat, and practice. There's no question that tennis is a difficult sport to master. It takes time and effort and patience to build up the core strength needed to reach your strokes. I recommend that you take a weekly class at the beginning, and then train 1 or 2 days a week with a partner or against a barrier to reinforce what you've practiced.