Social media is increasingly gaining popularity worldwide as many people continue to use it. Businesses are also increasingly using digital marketing through social media to promote their brands. There are several benefits that you can get from utilizing this strategy such as increased traffic, brand exposure, and a huge boost to potential sales leads. 

If your brand is on social media, then the engagement is vital. However, having passive social media followers is not enough. You need to motivate the followers using giveaways and active engagement. As such, read on to learn how social media engagement through creating giveaways and competition can help increase your business followers. 

Significance of Social Media Engagement
Social media engagement helps followers to interact with a specific brand. Amber Curtis from AMW Group Agency explains that creating a giveaway or other kind of competition on social media can increase your followers and the level of engagement you have with them. Engagement helps create trust and customer loyalty which in turn boosts your customer base. The viability of any business strongly depends on its customer base. Therefore, promotions can help attract many people to your brand.  

How to Promote Social Media Engagement Through Competition and Giveaways
To increase social media engagement, you should motivate your followers by offering different rewards. This helps to show that you treat your followers as valuable assets that can go a long way in creating loyalty among them. There are different strategies that you can take to create social media pages that can attract many followers. 

Commenting on competitions and giveaways are popular among many social media users. Followers love competitions and these draw a lot of excitement among different people. Therefore, you need to create well-designed giveaways that can generate interest on your social media pages. You can consider the following tips.

  • Make the pages fun and friendly to appeal to the interests of your audience.
  • Tailor the message so that it can be communicative. Make sure the message is simple and easy to follow.
  • Make the page look professional and attractive. Use the recommended size of the images. 
  • When designing giveaways, make sure you follow the rules of the social network platform you are using. You should build confidence among your followers by offering a problem-free promotion.
  • Promote opportunities for interaction among the followers so that they can share ideas. 

The following are simple ideas of social media giveaways and competitions that can give you insights into how your business can attract followers. 

Comment Competition
You can use the comment or like feature found on different social media platforms to run a competition. You can create a simple post where you ask the followers to comment so that they can win different prizes offered. When you promote this kind of competition, you should make it simple and make the rules clear. This will attract many participants since they will likely expect to win the prices offered. Client engagement with the brand will be promoted if you have active participants who follow events on your timeline.  

Tag a Friend Competition 
Customers get excited by winning competitions offered by different companies. For instance, you can create a simple prompt like asking your followers on social media to name a particular product and offer prizes to the lucky winners. Alternatively, you can also ask your followers to tag a friend to enter the competition and increase their chances of winning.
The ripple effect of this strategy will immensely benefit your business. A friend tags a friend and the cycle goes on like that. When you have many followers, loyalty is likely to be created among them and one day they may try your brand. This strategy will increase the volume of traffic to your comments section.

This is a passive way of generating sales leads as your followers can also tag their peers to enter the competition. If you motivate your customers through incentives like giveaways, they are likely to engage with your brand. Out of the multitudes of followers that you will attract from the competition, other people are likely to try your brand which in turn can boost your sales. 

If your business is on social media, then the active engagement of the followers is key to boosting your brand. You can achieve this by creating giveaways and competitions that help to attract many followers. The more followers you have, the more they are likely to purchase your brand. This will help your business to increase its sales if it boasts of a strong base of potential customers.