Maintaining a clean interior is important for any car owner because it will influence the health of the passengers.
  Dirty interior environments in cars can pose a serious health risk for the owners and passengers because they could harbor dangerous bacteria and germs that will determine the apparition of allergies and other health problems. 
  Even if you do not see it dirt is present in the form of a small particle of dust, spores, bacteria, dandruff, dried dead skin and many others that can saturate the enclosed air in your car making it unhealthy. 
  Keeping wastes from food, drinks or any other kind will determine the apparition on colonies of mold, fungi, and bacteria that will create foul smells and bad quality of air. 
If you try to prevent the contamination of your car's interior environment you will protect your loved ones and yourself from all these menaces.
  If the air and the interior of the car are not properly maintained and cleaned and also the air conditioning system you and your passengers can develop illnesses. 
  Proper interior detailing can also protect from environmental damage the upholstery using adequate cleaning and protection products. 
Cleaning the interior of your car is not difficult but some steps are important to assure that you do it well and all is cleaned and made allergen-free. 
Interior detailing tools and chemicals
  For interior cleaners, we might use different tools and equipment to do a proper job like vacuum and steam cleaners, microfiber towels and different professional cleaning products or even a car detailing kit.
  To clean, freshen-up and protect your car's interior you will need professional cleaning products compatible with plastic, vinyl, leather, fabric, carpets, and glass. 
Interior cleaning steps
The first step in cleaning is decluttering the car and removing any unwanted objects, garbage and get out the floor mats to clean them.
  As a second step, you can clean the floor mats first by rinsing them and after that by spraying them with a degreaser or an all-purpose cleaner and brushing them with a brush. 
  The fabric mats must be first vacuumed well and then sprayed with an upholstery cleaner. 
  Then with a carpet and upholstery brush, you will agitate and get out all the debris and dirt and wipe to remove all the excess with a microfiber towel leaving the mats clean. 
  In the third step, you must vacuum the car interior thoroughly even under the seats and in all the tight spaces and folds of the seats and air vents. 
To get in all little cramped spaces you can use along with the specialized accessories of the vacuum a brush for dusting making sure you work from top to bottom.
 For the air vents along with the vacuum cleaner accessories, you can use a cyber-clean cleaning compound that is an antiseptic gel that molds on any surface. 

This malleable gel will remove any dust and particles from the infotainment screen, air vents or interior trim without scratching it.

 You can also use a soft-bristled dusting brush for detailing and microfiber towels to gently try to remove the dust on the areas that need dusting. 

5.Steam cleaning

Using a steam cleaner you can steam clean the door jambs and door seals and after that wipe them with a microfiber towel.

  If you do not have a steam cleaner to help you properly do the job you can use the microfiber towels and an all-purpose cleaner to do the job. 

6.Cleaning the headliner

To clean the headliner if you see any stain you can use an all-purpose cleaner or a fabric and upholstery cleaner on a soft bristle brush and never directly on the fabric to not affect the glue.

  After that, you can blunt and wipe away the area with a dry and clean microfiber towel. 

7.Cleaning the seats

Depending on the material with which are the seats covered we can use or the fabric and upholstery professional solutions or the leather special care products to clean and protect the seats.

We spray the solutions and using a brush we will brush from top to bottom the seats.

For leather specialized products are available to clean and protect without damaging the material.

Special products like soft bristle leather brushes and leather cleaning and conditioning solutions can be used as-well on the steering wheel and the leather seats. 

After spraying and brushing the surfaces you must wipe them also with clean and dry microfiber towels each time.

The leather surfaces need extra care and protection so using leather protecting products like serums, conditioners, ceramic infused leather coatings it is the best method to keep your leather seats in perfect shape. 

  These products are easy to apply and use just by spraying them on an applicator and coating the leather surfaces with it. 

  This way you will have silky smooth, nice fresh smelling impeccable leather that is also well protected against staining. 

8.Cleaning the interior trim or plastic/vinyl surfaces

We start by spraying all-purpose cleaners using a microfiber applicator pad or a microfiber towel and scrub well the surfaces.

For scuff marks on the trims, you can use a specialized eraser to scrub them off  

9.Dressing the trims and plastic/vinyl surfaces

After cleaning all the plastic surfaces to keep them protected we can cover them in a protective layer of dressing, that is not greasy being water-based. 

It may need to be diluted or used as a spray in the bottle to cover the trims with a thin layer with a microfiber towel and will cover and protect the trim leaving a fresh scented smell and a discrete shine on the surfaces.

  This is good for plastic, vinyl and rubber surfaces to give them that extra protection, freshness and new look. 

10.Applying a fabric Protectant

The fabric Protectant is a solution that will prevent staining from being hydrophobic and stain resistant and also will protect the fabric against harming UV's. 

These solutions are easy to apply by just spraying a light mist that must be left to dry to become water and stain repellent. 

11.Deodorizing the interior

To refresh the air after cleaning it first we can use air deodorants for cars to absorb any remained bad odors and refresh the interior air.

It is important to get the air freshener in the AC system so you must turn it on also and spray starting from the bottom air vents.

12.Cleaning the glass

  This is the final step to a perfectly clean and spotless car interior so you can use a cleaner eraser with an all-purpose spraying solution and wipe the interior part of the glass to perfectly remove any contaminants or grease left. 

  If you do not have an eraser you can use isopropyl alcohol mix to remove any oily residues or fingerprints to make your glass squeaky clean. 

  For sensible tinted glass, you can use premium glass cleaner that is ammonia-free Invisible Glass to spay on a waffle microfiber towel to wipe the glass and remove any streaks and obtain a perfect finish.

  As a finishing touche, you can use a synthetic spray wax to give extra shine and protection to your interior glass surfaces. 

This is how a complete interior cleaning should look but not all these steps are mandatory and many cleaning products are available on the market.