The last thing people like to think about when a loved one dies is having some fun. Since time immemorial, funeral services have been known to be depressing and dreary occasions. However, not everyone holds a funeral in this manner. 

There have been funerals that have been life celebrations rather than mourning over death. Nowadays, some plan their funeral before they die as they want to make sure it's a happy occasion for all those involved. That being said, here are various reasons why funerals should be happy and fun. 

Life is something that has always been celebrated and it is a fact that doesn't change in the face of death. Nowadays, people have learned to view death as just another aspect of life. They celebrate passing on as they would during a baby shower, birthday or graduation. All of these are a part of life and life itself is a wonderful thing. Most individuals have learned to live their lives to the fullest. They are thankful for each and every day and don't have the opinion that their funeral should be a cause for sadness and depression. Some think that being happy at a funeral is an offense to the dead, but this could not be further from the truth. It is not a celebration of their passing, but for their life. You should try to perceive death in a different manner and be warm during a funeral service.

The second reason is that it's healthier to have a celebration. A funeral is usually depressing and most individuals find it hard to cope with the loss of a loved one. A conventional funeral is no more than an invitation to put more grief. However, a celebration as a funeral can help relieve the stress and strain. It can help the friends and loved ones get over the grief because they learn to be positive and recall all the happy memories of the deceased. There are many people who have severe problems with grief and a happy funeral would be an excellent form of therapy. 

Third, a happy funeral service tends to be more memorable than a sad one. A happy funeral, like those offered by Michael Hutchinson Funeral Director, can turn into a family celebration that marks the beginning of new cherished memories and even increase bonding. The loved ones grow stronger as they overcome grief by leaning on each other and having fun, rather than gathering to mourn and be sorrowful. Conventional funeral services are dark and quiet, apart from the sounds of weeping. There's also a particular atmosphere of limitation in regards to expressing emotions. As such, it makes sense to let the funeral be out of the norm and allow the mourners to be free and express joy over the individual that they cherished. 

Traditional funeral services have always been dreary and drab. Even if somebody attempts to express their appreciation for the individual that gave them joy, the gloomy and dark clouds of despair cloud any rays of light that appear. There's no rule that says a funeral service can't be happy and fun. It's without a shadow of a doubt that it is better to celebrate life than death.