A business without a website in 2019 is often distrusted. The web is the first place many people turn to when they want to learn more about a business – if there is no website, it can seem suspicious, or at the very least it means that they will look elsewhere for the information they need, thus spending their money with someone else. Today, websites don’t cost a vast sum to put together, even if you do hire someone else to help you or completely design it, and since they are so important, it’s something that should be at the top of any business owner’s to-do list. 

A business that has good marketing is a business that – assuming the products and services are high quality – will do well. Marketing can be done through your website, at least partly, and this can help to cut your marketing budget. When you post any blog or social media post, make sure that you link your website to it, for example, the homepage for more generalised posting, or specific pages when the subject matter calls for it. Doing this will drive more traffic to your site, and people will start to know the brand better. 

For organic traffic, you will need to ensure that your SEO is working to your advantage. Although this isn’t always easy, hiring clickintelligence.co.uk to put it right for you can make a world of difference to the visitors to your website, and therefore the number of sales you will make. 

Extra Sales 
Whether you use your website as a shop in its own right or you have a physical store, without it, you would miss out on a number of additional sales. Having a website means that people can browse in comfort before they buy, making their decision thanks to the quality information that you have on your site. It means that they can buy whenever they want to, giving them the convenience they need

No one wants to wait until you are officially open; if they want to buy something, they want to buy it there and then. A website means they can do just that, and it means you’ll get extra sales. 

More Credibility 
Starting a business is something that many people do now; it gives them more freedom and control and allows for a work-life balance that would otherwise be missing. However, this also means that there is a lot of competition; who can your customers trust? 

Having a website will help to gain that trust and offer your business more credibility. It shows that, since you have taken the time to create a website and stock it, as well as update it regularly, you will be around for a while yet, and this instills confidence. 

New Customers 
Having a website means it is much easier to find new customers. If your website has the right information on it, even those who had never heard of you before will start to use you because they can find out as much as they need to know online. They will have the confidence that you and your products are what they need.