Plaque is the sticky bacterial film that builds up on your teeth. Even with the most preventative care, you are likely to still have had to deal with plaque before.  

When multiple layers of plaque build up, they combine with minerals from your saliva to form a white, chalky, calcified substance known as tartar. At this point, a visit to the dentist becomes necessary.

While you should still get regular dental check ups, you can help your dental health yourself by removing plaque and tartar from your teeth on your own. Considering the prevalence of chemicals in modern society, doing this naturally is often the preferred method for most people.

The Plaque and Tartar Cycle

Once plaque has formed, it acts as a breeding ground for microorganisms to feed on the sugar from the food you eat. With time, bacteria grow, and plaque builds up.  

The bacterial digestion of sugars causes acids to be released that break down tooth enamel, causing cavities. They also produce toxins which are known to cause several periodontal or gum diseases.  

Improper oral hygiene, bad brushing techniques, hereditary predispositions, and poor food choices all contribute to the success of oral bacteria.

To get rid of plaque and prevent tartar from forming, you should always practice proper dental hygiene.  
Make sure you brush your teeth with a good quality toothbrush at least twice a day. Soft, nylon brushes with round, polished bristles work best. Always hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gum.
Always brush your tongue because it supports the growth of oral bacteria.
Use dental floss regularly (daily) to clean between your teeth and gums.

Home Remedies to Remove Tartar

Apart from following proper dental hygiene guidelines, you can also try some home remedies to remove plaque and tartar. It can sometimes be a long wait between dentist visits, so these come in handy during the interim.  

Once tartar has mineralized on your teeth, it is almost impossible to remove, so you want to get rid of plaque as often as you can to prevent this from happening. These tips are your best bet (along with proper brushing and hygiene) to prevent permanent tooth decay.

Natural Removal of Plaque

Oil Pulling: This is an age-old practice that your grandparents probably used but it may support oral health and remove plaque. 

Simply swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around your mouth for about 15 to 20 minutes and then spit. Brush your teeth as usual and repeat daily each morning before eating.

Baking Soda: Sodium bicarbonate is wonderful for removing plaque because it neutralizes the acid in your mouth, which reduces the bacteria present. Simply mix one teaspoon of salt with two teaspoons of baking soda, dip a damp toothbrush in, and gently brush your teeth.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is known for treating pains and may be effective in dealing with gum disease. As an antimicrobial, it kills bacteria that can cause plaque and it also fights bad breath.  

Slit an aloe vera leaf and extract the pulp. Rub this directly on your gum line and teeth and leave for ten minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat twice daily.

Cloves: Ground cloves have been used for years to relieve toothaches, but they can also be used to fight plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth. 

Add a little olive oil to a teaspoon of powdered cloves and apply the mixture to your teeth. Rinse with warm water after a few minutes and you will have successfully reduced the microbial colonies within your mouth. 

Guava: The guava fruit and leaves are both great anti-plaque agents, and they possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic powers to reduce pain and swelling caused by any gum disease.  Guava leaf extract has been found to reduce the adhesion of plaque to teeth.  

Wash some guava leaves and thoroughly chew them, making sure you spit once done. Or, you can use a mouth rinse that contains guava leaf extract.

White Vinegar: It may not taste as pleasant as some of the other methods, but white vinegar contains acetic acid, which prevents the demineralization of your enamel. This prevents and reduces the accumulation of bacteria and plaque.  

Take two teaspoons of white vinegar and one teaspoon of salt and mix with half a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth once or twice daily with this mixture.

Rosemary Oil: Rosemary essential oil acts like a disinfectant to remove oral bacteria, so it prevents buildup and removes bad breath.  

Mix two or three drops of rosemary oil with a tablespoon of water and swish the mixture over your teeth for ten minutes. Spit and brush as usual and repeat twice daily.

Orange Peels: These have been long used to whiten teeth and remove stains, but the peels contain limonene which also helps to break down plaque. The vitamin C in oranges also helps to prevent the growth of new microorganisms on your teeth. 

Rub the inside of an orange peel directly on your teeth and gums before going to bed each night and rinse in the morning. You can always use dried orange peel powder if you do not have fresh oranges.

Black Tea: The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of black tea help to control oral bacteria and reduce the risk of plaque buildup. It also happens to be a rich source of fluoride, which promotes tooth health by preventing decay and encouraging stronger enamel.  

Allow the tea to steep for five minutes before swishing around your mouth.

Outside of these proven and effective methods, there are additional tips to help you prevent plaque build up and remove any accumulations before they harden.

Spicy foods help stimulate saliva, which keeps your teeth clean and fights gum disease.
Chewing a raw apple after eating cleans your teeth and heals gums.
Limit the amount of processed food you eat because oral bacteria love sugar.
Get professional cleanings twice a year.
Figs help strengthen teeth and stimulate saliva flow, but be sure to chew them thoroughly.

Final Thoughts
There are a lot of ways that people have tried to remove plaque and tartar build up naturally, so trying a few might be the way to learn which work best for you. Of course, the best thing to do for your dental hygiene is to brush and floss regularly and always have regular appointments with your dentist.