Alright, surely this is not the first motorcycle article you have read. Realistically this is probably not even the first motorcycle article you've read today. Nonetheless, here you are. It's a good thing you took the time to do some research on this subject. Safety is the undeniable first priority of every rider and their family. Please continue to read this Guide on Choosing Motorcycle Safety Gears.

There are many levels of protection available to the modern motorcyclist. Think for a moment what you have seen in your day to day life. There are riders with full body leather suits, hard plastic skid plates, armored gloves, and full face Snell rated helmets. There are also other riders who are seen wearing flip flops, swim trunks, and little to no shirt at all. The Moto Expert doesn't want to tell you what to do or what to wear, but please consider the information available.

Starting at the bottom you have your footwear. When it is time to decide on your footwear don't fall into the trap of considering what will "look cool" with your bike while you cruise through traffic. Over the ankle leather boots may not look as flashy as those low top basketball shoes but when feet meet pavement at highway speed an over the ankle leather boot will greatly reduce the risk of a broken ankle or torn ligaments. That basketball shoe will likely be thrown so far from the accident that no one will even find it. Walking out of the shoe store with the proper footwear can help assure you walk away from an accident.

Next, is an all to often overlooked area, the legs. All too often riders are seen with great gear and some fashionably faded blue jeans. Now if you aren't the type to go out and buy a full body leather riding suit, that is completely understandable. It is worth noting that blue jeans will protect your flesh from pavement for approximately five feet. That was not a typo, five feet is it. Should you ever find yourself skidding down the road you will be pleased if you chose leather riding pants as they should last several times longer.

The journey to proper safety continues with the upper body. This is the area where sacrifices are often made. The most common excuse here is heat. It makes sense, leather jackets aren't fun on a hot august afternoon. Please take a moment to appreciate the gift to the community that is the textile motorcycle jacket. At varying weights and styles textile jackets can be an affordable option to stay dry and most importantly safe. Textile jackets have been shown to have comparable protection to leather in several studies.

 A favorite subject of many is helmets. There are countless studies for and against the use of varying styles of helmets. Many riding fatalities are due to impact to the front and side of the jaw when it strikes the pavement. With this in mind let's explore some options. The half helmet is affectionately known throughout the community as the "brain bucket". That statement says enough about the half helmet. The open face or 3/4 helmet is a popular option for the safety conscious during warm weather. It offers much more protection than the half helmet but does not protect the jaw area we discussed earlier. Lastly is the full face helmet, a safe rider's favorite. With plenty of options and styles available including vents and breathable material, these helmets are not only more comfortable than in the past but they are as they always have been, the safest.

That leaves eyes and hands. When choosing gloves remember the lessons about denim, leather, and textile options. Riding glasses are an absolute necessity unless you choose to go with a fully shielded helmet. Even with a shield it is strongly recommended to use riding glasses at all times.

In conclusion, remember that the decisions regarding your safety equipment are very much your decisions. It is recommended that you study the information provided here along with other safety information to make the best decision for your unique circumstance. There are many types of riders, all with different needs, but they all share the common desire to return home at the end of the day. Ride Safe!