Bearing Boys know that no matter what work you are doing whether it be as part of your job or simply for DIY home improvements, it is important to have the right tools.

This means not compromising on quality for a cheaper price and having a variety of different tools that work on a range of different jobs.

One important thing to remember when using these tools is to know how to stay safe. Just last year there were 144 deaths in the UK because of work accidents. Even with a simple spanner injuries can happen when the tool is used improperly. Here Bearing Boys talk through some safety tips for a variety of tools:

Spanners, Hammers and Wrenches

Some jobs are simple like fitting a photo onto the wall, fixing any loose nuts and fixing a broken door handle. However, these jobs still require tools such as hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches which can cause injury if not used correctly.

When using a hammer or screw driver to hammer in a nail or tighten a screw the most important thing is to make sure your fingers aren’t in the way. You can suffer injuries (obviously) if you hammer your finger or thumb instead. Make sure to carefully watch what you are doing and keep your fingers back from the nail.

Wrenches used to tighten bolts, loosen nuts and fit bearings can cause injury to the hands if the tool is cracked or rusted. Make sure to use good quality and new wrenches that fit perfectly to the problem they are being used to fix. You can however use adjustable wrenches and spanners that can be loosened or tightened to fit a certain problem.

Power Tools

Power tools are by far the most dangerous of all tools used when working at home or on a construction site. With both the risk of electrocution and injury they need to be used correctly and safely at all times.
The main safety precautions you need to consider when using power tools are simple but can help you prevent injuries.

If you are using a power tool that is plugged in with a cord then make sure that the cord is always behind you and never in front of you. This can help to prevent injuries such as electrocution that can cause everything from a nasty shock to death.

Another tip is to always wear protective eye goggles. Even if you are just trimming a garden hedge or mowing the lawn, you never know what things can fly up and cause injuries to your eyes or face.
With each power tool make sure to regularly maintain it and keep up to date with checking over the tools to make sure they are well kept. This can reduce the risk of injury because of the tools malfunctioning or breaking mid use.


One type of tool that many forget to take care with is adhesives and super glues. These are used to stick together a variety of objects and come in handy across many industries.
However, adhesives can cause great irritation to the skin as well as issues if you or your clothing get stuck together because of misuse of product.

With all these tips safely under your belt Bearing Boys wish you the best of look with all your trade or DIY work!