Show business is all about the appeal, and for girl groups, the sexier the better in this day and age. Here's checking out the evolution of the skirt. It was once a garment that involved a little more material than we're seeing these days. Check it out!

These days, they involve really really short ones. Dresses are shrinking up.

This isn't even considered short anymore..

Instead, lengths these days involve being able to show off undergarments. Huh, what?

Take Year 7 Class 1 – Minju for example.

Then there's BESTie – Haeryung.

And AOA's Seolhyun..

Her cheerleader outfit.

Even bandmate ChoA is getting in on it too.

Then there's Apink's Naeun.

And Yoo Ara:

Taehee from girl group Delight's definition of short is this:

Basically, everything you know about skirts is wrong now.

If the outfit isn't short enough, it's not stage worthy!

Take Lay - T's outfit:

Sistar's performance makes it clear that showing off panties is a trend right now.

Bambino is famous for this too. Although, they opt for short shorts instead.

Whatever it is, it does seem like dressing is getting a tad inappropriate when it comes to being a popstar.

How much shorter can the skirt shrink?