Some girls can feel totally stressed out about their boobs especially when they compare themselves with other girls who have bigger boobs. Here are some facts about the boobs:

Fact #1: No short cut to grow bigger boobs...
Most girls will experience some growth by the time they are 13. There are not a single trick that would help to grow bigger boobs unless you undergo cosmetic surgery. The breast is determined by genetics.

Fact #2: One breast is smaller than the other side...
Don't freak out! Everyone has small differences, just like the eyebrows, eyes, legs, and arms. Each breast grows at different rates and they usually become more alike as we grow older.

Fact #3: Hair can grow on the nipple...
It's normal to have hair grows on the nipple. It's the same hormone that make the hair in the armpits and pubic area. That hormone causes a few stray strands to pop up in a very awkward spots.

Fact #4: Big boobs are not going to give you back pain...
Big boobs won't give you a back pain especially when you choose the right size and getting the support you need. You can also do some abs exercises into your fitness routine because a strong core helps to ease the achy back. If you're still having a back pain, consult with your doctor because the back pain might not be caused by your heavy chest.

Be grateful with what you have even if it's smaller because a real man don't fall in love with you just because you have big boobs. Real love means perfection in imperfections.