Whatever line of business you are in, there is always a chance that things can go wrong. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a customer service mixup, without the right preparation and protection in place, it could be disastrous. Of course, where there are problems, there will also be technology built to try and solve them.

We’ve taken a look around and found some interesting news pieces on some of the emerging technology you can use to protect yourself. However, not all of it will help - as you will find out.

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If you live in a part of the country that suffers from earthquakes, then there’s a good chance that you already have special insurance in place. However, that still doesn't protect you against the actual event. Well, if the engineers from Arx Pax have their way, then you might be able to avoid the earthquake altogether very soon. They recently raised more than half a million dollars on Kickstarter to create the Hendo Hoverboard, but also claim that the technology could be used on a much bigger scale. The result? Hovering buildings that will rise from the ground just before an earthquake hits. It's a long way off for the moment, but worth keeping an eye on.

Premises Security

Sadly, thefts from businesses are not uncommon, particularly if your premises is in a remote area. Of course, there's plenty of technology out there already that provides you with a chance to defend your premises against burglars. However, now it looks as if Google are set to join the security party. Their Nest CCTV uses Bluetooth, the Internet of Things and Project Brillo to offer protection against burglars - and digital hackers. As more businesses become digitized, there will be more opportunity for hackers to steal valuable data about their target. So, if you are planning to bring the Internet of Things into your business, make sure you are secure digitally, as well as physically.

Customer Losses

Talking of the Internet of Things, if you are already using it in your business, it could mean that your customer satisfaction levels are dipping. Why? As more processes become digital, there is less human interaction. According to an article in Australia's Business Spectator, almost half of consumers feel that customer service has got worse over the past 24 months. Simply because they can't get to speak to the right person. So, be careful about automating too many processes with your customer service efforts - it could drive people away. Also, make sure you are using a telephone recording device or software to keep on top of your customer satisfaction levels. Doing so will enable you to have a far better overview of where you are going right, and where your customers are getting frustrated.

Has technology improved your business's chances of recovery after a disaster?  If so, what was it, and how did it get things back on track? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below.