We love a clever gadget and new technology. There’s something exciting and futuristic about using a new device. It’s even better when it makes our dull work life easier or more interesting! Technology has been powering and fuelling business for decades, and we’re slowly reaching a turning point. We are only just beginning to explore what the internet and mobile technology can do. Remember, it’s only been ten years since the iPhone was introduced. We’ve got a long way to go yet and exciting times are ahead!

Today we’ll bring you some of the coolest new tech on the planet. From clever gadgets to software and technology solutions, they are all boosting businesses and taking them further.

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1. iPad projector

iPads are now commonplace in most office environments. They help us show clients new proposals on the move. They allow us quick access to information and shared learning. However, you can take it one step further. With an iPad projector, you can quickly and easily make major presentations. You no longer need complicated leads and connections. You simply clip the projector tool on and display the information. Easy!

2. Hologram communication

Okay, so these aren’t quite available on a commercial level just yet. However, they are coming. It’s the next big leap forward in communications. Video conference calls are great, but they don’t quite have the same effect as being in the room. It’s why business travel is still such a crucial economy. However, with hologram technology, you can be present in the room. You can attend meetings on the other side of the world. Holograms and augmented reality are coming soon. We’re very excited about this.

3. Wireless charging

How many times has your phone cut out during an important business call? Even if it’s just once, that’s once too many! Many offices are now equipping their sites with wireless charging. With simple modules across the office block, you can quickly and easily charge your smartphone. It can sit on the table charging while you’re in a group meeting. Essentially, every time, you sit down, you can give it another boost of juice. No more dropped calls.

4. Unified communications

With more and more work taking place in a global, mobile world, companies need unified communications. They need a swift telephony solution in the office that integrates with our mobile devices. Employees should be contactable at all times of the day and communication should be simple. If you run a business, speak to a specialist to install your own unified solution and improve communications.

5. The Cloud

The cloud is no longer a fantasy project or wild idea. It has become an integral part of the way companies do business. It is essential for data storage, backups and transfer. More importantly, it allows employees to collaborate on documents and make edits in real time. It reduces the need for paper in the office and improves efficiency.

Gadgets and technology are pushing businesses further than ever before. We’re exploring new avenues and forging new paths. These gadgets are just the tip of the iceberg; the landscape of business technology is shifting. We can’t wait to see what’s next.