Nick Jonas sure is one lucky guy. This is his girlfriend. And if you were laughing at him before when he was touting his promise ring, here's what he has to say about it. Via Us Weekly:
"I don't regret [discussing my virginity]," Jonas, 22, [told Wendy Williams on her show yesterday]. "I think it was an important part of my childhood and it was that. As I grew up, I sort of figured out what was important to me and my own belief system. We all grow up and we all live life and find out what's important to us, that's what happened. I went on that journey myself and I'm now comfortable with who I am and what I believe in and I'm an adult."
Williams then asked Kevin and Joe's younger brother whether he was still a virgin. "Just to be clear," she said. "Taking off the ring could be you're not a virgin or you're contemplating."
"No," he confessed, cheekily adding: "As I said, I'm an adult in all ways."
After all, nothing to regret if you have someone like this by your arm.