Paris Hilton may have a reputation of being an attention whore and DJ-wannabe and singer-wannabe, amongst other things, but she's got some business up her sleeve. For example, she's sold over $2 billion worth of perfume already. From her interview with Women's Wear Daily:
"I would say that the success speaks for itself. [My brand] is one of the number-one celebrity fragrances out there and I have 17, which is a lot more than, I don't know, most people," Paris said, adding it continues to grow. "Every single month we are getting more sales and more countries wanting to sell the fragrances."

Donald J. Loftus, president of Parlux, agrees. "Over the 10-year period we've done $2 billion in sales," he said. "Yes, it's a lot of fragrances, but the strategy is to make sure it stays fresh every six months so the consumer keeps coming back ... She is our longest-standing celebrity brand to date, and over time, it's likely she will be the most profitable. Jay Z's fragrance may have made more in its first year, but for Paris we're talking over 10 years. Other than Liz Taylor, she's probably one of the highest paid over time."

That's crazy insane. Is Paris a billionaire now?