How much do you really want to hang with Justin Bieber? Probably not much, unless you're getting paid to do so. Which is apparently what most of his friends are: paid ones. According to the latest issue of OK! magazine:

"Justin is so used to everyone being at his beck and call that he's got a completely distorted view of friendship," says the source. "He thinks that by showering folks with gifts or flying them around on his private jet, he's buying their discretion, but many of them have no qualms about selling stories about him."

One of his biggest beneficiaries is Lil Za, who took the heat when drugs were found at Justin's house. "Justin gave Za two cars and a hundred grand after that whole debacle," says the source. The flock of girls who surround Justin don't come cheap either. "He loves getting girls to give him and his pals lap dances at his parties, so he throws wads of cash at them to do it," adds the source. "He thinks all his spending impresses people, but he doesn't realize that they're just using him."

How much do you get for being a friend?

Get paid to see a child's abs.

The perks are quite cool. You get to see him piss in a bucket.

You get to see him get punched by Orlando Bloom.

More adventures to come, we're sure.