You can say all sorts of things about Kim Kardashian, she probably doesn't care, because she just got $80 million richer from her mobile game. According to Forbes:

In addition to her in-game audio commentary, she [Kim] provided a significant amount of creative feedback. She hand-selected the majority of the outfits, accessories, hairstyles, and other in-game items – and her deep involvement continues as we roll out updates and new content – from the aesthetics to new locations and features.
– Niccolo de Massi, CEO of Glu Mobile and dumbest luckiest person ever.

In another story, it seems her marriage isn't very smooth sailing.

“Kim has totally morphed into the person that Kanye envisioned her to be,” the insider said. “She’s changed. From demanding Kim overhaul her wardrobe, to forcing her to hang out with his friends, Kanye has just completely taken over her life. Kim doesn’t have any interests of her own that Kanye doesn’t approve of.”
“He constantly scrutinizes Kim, and she’s constantly walking on eggshells around him,” the source claimed. “She begins every sentence with ‘Kanye thinks so and so,’ and ‘Kanye wants this and that.’”
“She tells everyone how happy she is with Kanye,” the source said. “But if that’s true, why does she look so sad all the time?”