Some of us are concerned enough for our health and fitness to hit the gym on e regular basis. Some of us KNOW we should, but have too many things in the way that prevent us from fulfilling our exercise quota - and we also know that if we just set aside half an hour every morning, we could get our workouts done before the day starts.
Lisa Stone, cofounder and CEO of 100 million-reaching content network BlogHer, is dedicated to walking every day, regardless of how little time it feels like she has outside of her company and three children. "When you're running a company, running an initiative, writing a book, creating a piece of art, you've gotta respond," she says. "So every day I start with at least an hour of walking or running. Even though it's hard to find the time and motivation, I'm so much smarter and more creative when I do it, I won't even risk not doing it anymore."
So how do you make like a Lisa Stone and sweep the common excuses away?
Find out below:
EXCUSE #1: GETTING TO THE GYM AND BACK TAKES TOO LONGIf going to a fitness center takes up too much time, Stone suggests following some YouTube classes or Yoga DVDs to help you get your daily fix. Plus, working out at home eliminates the pressure of having to look good at the gym. Try websites like, or purchase a
Shaun-T workout.
EXCUSE #2: I TRAVEL TOO MUCH TO KEEP A ROUTINE"If I take a red-eye to New York for a 10 a.m. meeting, and I land at 6 a.m., I will walk in JFK in my tennis shoes for an hour before I get on the AirTrain," says Stone. The best part about walking is that you can do it anywhere--airport terminals' endless corridors are ideal for it in any weather. Plan your workouts into the daily schedule of upcoming work trips before you leave.
EXCUSE #3: EVEN IF EXERCISE HELPS ME THINK, TAKING THE TIME WILL ALSO MAKE ME ANXIOUSForget about endorphins for a bit. Exercise, particularly getting outside, can also help you see and discover things that can help you keep priorities and frustrations in check. "When I go into a meeting with someone who I think doesn't understand what we're trying to do for women at the grassroots level at BlogHer, and I've passed a homeless person on my walk, or I've had a chance to see the sun come up, it puts a bad idea or a difficult personality in perspective," says Stone. "Having been a hard news reporter, it helps me remember that no one has died as a part of my daily work at BlogHer, so let's just bring it down a notch." So step outside for a breather and use your walk to clear your mind while you get in some exercise.
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