The age of the Internet has changed how we memorize and remember things. Easy access to search engines and digitally storing information might make things easier for us to retrieve information, but it also affects our memory, and not in a good way.

Now, science shows us how we can improve our memories by doing these simple things every day to help our general memory capacity:

1. Meditate.

Your working memory is where new information is held temporarily - like when you learn someone's name or hear an address you need to go to. You hang on to those details until you're done with them. Once they're of no use, you let go of them entirely. If they are useful, you store them in a long-term memory where they can be strengthened and recalled later. So how does meditation work?

Meditation helps us concentrate. It's counterintuitive. During meditation, our brains stop processing information as actively as they would normally.

2. Drink Coffee for Memory Consolidation.

A recent study found that taking a caffeine pill after learning a task actually improved memory recall up to 24 hours later. The study focused on the effects of caffeine on memory consolidation: the process of strengthening the memories we've created. They believe there were effects when coffee was ingested after the learning task, rather than before.

3. Eat Berries for Long-Term Memory.

Eating berries can help prolong memory decline. A long-term berry study found that those who had eaten at least two servings of strawberries or blueberries each week had a moderate reduction in memory decline. But another study focusing on strawberries suggested that you’d need to eat roughly 10 pounds of strawberries per day to see any effect.

4. Exercise.

Regular exercise can improve memory recall. Fitness in older adults have been proven to slow the decline of memory without the aid of continued regular exercise.

Exercising can improve spatial memory, and it's been shown to improve cognitive abilities beyond memory.

5. Chew Gum.

Yup. This is another simple method you can try, to improve your memory while you learn new things. It's not a solid bet, but one study published last year showed that participants who completed a memory recall task were more accurate and had higher reaction times if they chewed gum during the study. One of the reasons is that it increases the activity in the hippocampus, an important area of the brain for memory. Another theory focuses on the oxygen increase from chewing gum, which helps with focus and attention. One study found that participants who chewed gum during learning and memory tests had higher heart rate levels than control groups, which can also lead to more oxygen flowing to the brain.

6. Sleep.

Sleep is one of the most important elements in having a good memory. Sleep is when most of our memory consolidation process occurs, so it makes sense that without enough sleep we're going to struggle to remember the things we learned. Even a short nap can help improve your memory recall.