Schwarzkopf does its bid for Valentine's Day with this extremely romantic ode to love, and they've set the bar for romance pretty high, even though the ad is really promoting hair color.

Ad agency BBDO Proximity Dusseldorf and director Sandro Suppnig created the ad for the hair products brand, and let's just say it's romantically soppy, but also very heartwarming.

In the video, the boyfriend has a different idea of a marriage proposal, literally planting the seeds of his love for the woman. Come Valentine's Day, she gets a beautiful surprise from all his patience and hard work - we won't tell you what it is, you'll just have to watch it for yourself. Cue tears of joy.

Agency spokeperson Susanne Kevzers explained that since the product launch was set for V-Day, the idea for a floral marriage proposal was born quite quickly. "But we wanted to add some depth, so we came up with the idea of a love declaration, a story told from his POV presenting the woman he loves to the world in a very intimate, true, and loving way."

Kevzers also credits Suppnig for creating the perfect atmosphere. "The casting was great, with two very experienced South African actors we got the authenticity we wanted. A story like this can be cheesy--but we had the best conditions to do things right."

Watch it below: