Modern medicine is getting better at what it does. Now, nine women in Sweden have successfully undergone transplant surgery with them receiving donor wombs from their relatives.

The women, who are in their 30s, will now attempt to have children where it was once thought impossible. The procedure doesn't connect any of the uteruses to the patients' fallopian tubes, instead, frozen eggs from the patients' own ovaries will be inserted as part of an in-vitro fertilisation process.

The women will have to also take anti-rejection medicines, which could potentially have a detrimental effect on a growing fetus.

After two pregnancies the wombs will once again be removed as a safety measure, as the anti-rejection medication can increase chances of contracting some forms of cancer and diabetes.

"This is a new kind of surgery," said Dr Mats Brannstrom, chair of the obstetrics and gynaecology department at the University of Gothenberg. "We have no textbook to look at."
