By now, you probably know about the whole "bikini bridge" thing that went viral over the weekend. The meme that was faked by trolls on 4chan certainly managed to fool a lot of folks on the internet before it was debunked.

Other than the fact that these ladies looked seriously hungry, we wondered what other kinds of things could be squeezed under that "bridge". Here's a bunch of stuff we managed to come up with:

Sam and Frodo.

Your favourite Apple device(s).

A mini "food journal" - to note down all the calories you're missing out on.

Your spare house keys.

Listerine Pocketpacks. Because there's absolutely nothing wrong with keeping it fresh down there.

An autographed picture of that surfer dude you have a crush on...................................

Yarn. Just in case you get bored and suddenly want to knit.

Whatever is left of Miley Cyrus' morals..

General Ackbar.

A real 'bridge troll'