Samuel Forrest's wife left him after he decided to raise their son who has Down syndrome. His wife said the baby would be better cared for elsewhere, but he decided to keep him.

Forrest's son, Leo, was born with Down syndrome on Jan 21 in an Armenian hospital. “I had a few moments of shock,” he told ABC News. But when he held his newborn for the first time, he fell in love.

“I looked at this guy and I said, he’s beautiful,” Forrest said of the meeting. “He’s perfect and I’m absolutely keeping him.”

But his wife wasn't so happy. She gave him an ultimatum - keep him and they would get a divorce.

A week later, she filed for a divorce and he was no longer welcome in the home they had lived in with her family.

Forrest then turned to GoFundMe to seek for help and was met with overwhelming support.

In his first week, he surpassed his goal of raising $60,000, which would be used to support him and his son for a year.

He posted an update on the GoFundMe site, saying:

Thanks everyone – we are stunned beyond words at the incredible support & love you’ve shown for little Leo.

9 days after we started our campaign, Leo and I found out in the wee hours of morning that we had crossed our target! He is a lucky guy to have the support of thousands of friends like you around the world.

Some of the additional funds that we have raised will be used to secure better living conditions in Auckland, and to give Leo higher quality opportunities when it comes to education - a good home and school cost money, but Leo will have all that and more, thanks to you.

We will use some of the money you’ve given to fund facilities and programs here in Armenia that will support future parents to keep their kids despite all disabilities, and to help better care for the special ones who end up away from their Mom & Dad. We’d also like to share the surplus funds with the only orphanage in Armenia that regularly takes abandoned Down Syndrome babies as well as other organisations that can help these children – thanks to your support we can start to make a difference already

Thanks again for your care and generosity!

Here are some of the thoughtful messages people left for Forrest:

You can check out the fund here and help if you want to.