Is Adam Levine a douchebag? He claims he's not, but his quotes and actions suggest otherwise. This is what he told GQ in an interview:

"Douchebag. What is a douchebag?" he asks the magazine. "Would it be really easy to assume that I was a douchebag? Definitely. 100 percent. But that doesn't mean that I am. Or maybe I am. I don't know."

"Okay. So I'm gonna get really intricately self-reflective right now and ask myself the hard questions, to find out, once and for all, definitively, whether or not I'm a douchebag."

It's alright, Adam. We'll answer it for you. Here are 10 reasons he's a douche:

1. He says the darndest things. On how to tell if someone is a douchebag:

a. Lack of self-awareness

b. Cenceitedness. He's not arrogant, he's just cocky. Claims that's a different thing.

c. Insecurity - He's too confident to be insecure.

2. He's an attention whore.

"I love attention. I can't stand not having it." - Details, 2012.

3. He knows he's a sexy douche.

"I spend most of my life naked. In fact, I often have to be told by people around me that it's inappropriate to be as naked as I am." - Cosmo, 2009.

4. Doesn't want to make money from celebrity fragrances, but does anyway.

"I absolutely loathe the idea of doing a fragrance simply as a moneymaker. Personal brand to make money? Vomit." - USA Today, 2012.

5. Only goes to yoga because there are beautiful women there.

He said that to Women's Health back in 2008.

6. And thinks yoga is for "fucking".

He reiterated it to Details in 2012.

7. Dates supermodel Anne V. Then dumps her.

8. For her colleague - Behati Prinsloo. Now he's marrying her too. 

9. He thinks apologizing to exes is normal.

"Maybe the reason I was promiscuous, and wanted to sleep with a lot of women, is that I love them so much." - Details, June 2012.

10.  He claims he didn't sleep with Lindsay Lohan. Sure..

“That’s not true. I did not have sexual intercourse with Lindsay Lohan" - he told Howard Stern, 2014.