- Visit SpamCop and click the Report Spam tab at the top left.
Important! Reporting spam is a serious accusation against a company and is not be taken lightly. If spam is reported that is not spam, you will be viewed negatively by spamcop and may be denied their services.
- Get a free account from SpamCop.
The only difference between a paid and free account you have to wait ~6 seconds between each spam submittal. Enter your Full name and your Email address and click the Send authorization email button.
You will receive an email (at the email that was entered in their form)
from SpamCop with the login instructions to use their service. Once you
receive the login information, login to SpamCop.
- Save the spam email to your desktop.
Saving an email to your desktop will vary depending on what program you
use. Typically you can drag the email directly to the desktop (Outlook
has this capability) or you can right click the email in your email
client and "Save as" the email ( for example, Thunderbird).
Once you get the email saved to your desktop, open the email in a text editor like Notepad. The email should look like the snapshot to the right.
- Copy the contents of the email with the headers and then paste it into the form submittal at SpamCop. You can also forward the emails to them (Forwarding the emails to SpamCop will not be explained in this article). Click the Process Spam button.
- Here is where SpamCop will make you wait. The site will display Please wait - subscribe to remove this delay. Just wait approximately 6 seconds and the page will redirect.
- To speed up the submittal process, especially if you have quite a few spam emails to submit, make a canned response in a text document that you can reuse for each submittal.
You can make a canned response and save it in a text document that says: