You've seen wedding photos before and while they are great, these ones here are by far the best. This is the work of photographer Jeffrey Lewis Bennett. He's found a creative way to make the most memorable and romantic wedding photographs: GIFs.

Bennett shot a wedding for a couple in Chicago in 2011, and he and the groom shared a mutual love for GIFs, so they decided to put all the moments he captured to create an animated photograph. The result was stunning and wold eventually become his signature style.

Check it out:

All of the GIFs are made from photos, not videos.

It takes him 30 to 90 minutes to stitch the separate frames together.

Admittedly, this is so much nicer than a normal photo.

Romantic too.

This is next-level wedding photography.

There are plenty who will like this kind of wedding photography style.

Seriously, what's not to like?

See more heartwarming moments on photographer’s website and Tumblr. (via Huffington Post)