Geologists working in Antarctica have discovered a type of rock that's known to bear diamonds. Called kimberlite, the volcanic rock is named after the town of Kimberley in South Africa, where the discovery of an 83.5-carat diamond in 1871 kick started a diamond rush.
The rocks appear in vertical structures known as kimberlite pipes, and were found aroudn Mount Meredith in the Prince Charles Mountains.
The geologists who made the discovery didn't find any diamonds, but they're wondering if the icy continent contains vast mineral riches.
Antarctica is currently off-limits to mining. In 1991, 50 signatories signed the Antarctic Treaty, an environmental accord that's set to expire in 2041. The treaty preserves the continent for scientific research and wildlife. According to
"We do not know what the Treaty Parties' views will be on mining after 2041 or what technologies might exist that could make extraction of Antarctic minerals economically viable," said Kevin Hughes, of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.
Mr Riley said there was a fine line between geological mapping and prospecting with an eye to mining. Nations including Russia, Ukraine and China have been more active in surveying Antarctica in recent years.
Even if there were diamonds in the icy hills, they won't be easy to extract. Geologists doubt that the find could be commercially viable, citing Antarctica's remoteness, cold, and winter darkness. But we all know these things are not impossible as someone who would really want to get to the shiny rocks will find a way to get them.