Nike is finding itself in some hot soup after launching a tattoo like print on it's Pro Tattoo Tech Tights. It's sparked some ire in Australia and New Zealand. But why? Because it's got a lot of similarity to the traditional male tattoo of Samoa.
According to New Zealand's ONE News, Nike's placement of the traditionally male print on women's leggings were seen as offensive. "Before you launch into something like this, there's generally a consultation with those whose pattern have ownership..." New Zealand parliament member Su'a William Sio told ONE News, "I don't think Nike has taken the time to do that."
The collection actually debuted a month ago, and the inspiration came from the tatau of Fiji, Samoa and New Zealand. A Change.org petition posted in early August protested the leggings as a "direct violation of the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific, and is furthermore in violation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
After the petition gained some legs, Nike pulled the product saying "The Nike Tattoo Tech collection was inspired by tattoo graphics. We apologize to anyone who views this design as insensitive to any specific culture. No offense was intended."
You can still check out the product, in pictures.