Badass: How To Open A Bottle Of Champagne Without Slicing Yourself (Video)
Aug 28, 2013 00:27
She might be wearing a dress, but there's no denying that Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan is the Master of Wine. Watch carefully as she demonstrates how to open a bottle of champagne using a saber in this episode of Mental Floss:
Source Most of us have experienced a negative or 'toxic' workplace culture. It's no fun for anyone. If you're managing people or running a company, this can be a real problem. Negativity spreads like wildfire through the workplace. And it affects everyone it touches. It can manifest as gossip, low morale, decreased productivity, and high turnover rates. Read more
Wounded veterans need time to relax, decompress, and bond better with loved ones. Family retreats are an excellent opportunity for wounded veterans to heal and reconnect with their families. They offer a break away from the daily pressures of life and ensure a stress-free environment to unwind and share memories with their families. These events also bring together many families, making it easy to learn from one another and participate in the many fun events available. Read more